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The Amulets of Mastery and Destruction after being fused together by Dr. Wani

The Amulets of Mastery and Destruction are a pair of amulets in Frogger: Ancient Shadow and the main items of interest to Dr. Wani during the game's story. They hold incredible magical power, and it is said that whoever gathers both amulets will become the king of the Ancient Wani Tribe.


The Amulets of Mastery and Destruction are a pair of gray, metallic-looking amulets that can join together to create a circular object. It is unknown which is which, as the only graphic of them shows them already fused together, but it can be assumed that the Amulet of Mastery is the half with the blue eye, while the Amulet of Destruction is the other half with the red eye.


The Amulets of Mastery and Destruction were created by the Ancient Wani Tribe, a tribe of reptiles that thrived in Firefly Swamp. The amulets were made from a material known as Crocodite, granting whoever wields both amulets immense magical power as well as the status of king of the tribe. With both amulets by their sides, the Ancient Wani Tribe began their violent conquest of Firefly Swamp, which even extended to areas outside the swamp. When the other animal tribes attempted to fight back, their magic stood no chance against the amulets, even when they all worked together. However, due to the leadership of Horippa Cikir, the Ancient Wani Tribe would be sealed within Doom's Temple. In spite of this triumph, due to the power of the Crocodite, the amulets could not be sealed alongside the Ancient Wani Tribe, and were taken so that they would not be used for evil again.

The Amulet of Mastery[]

After the Ancient Wani Tribe was sealed, the Amulet of Mastery was given to the King of the Lion Tribe, who took it back to his home in the White Savannah. During the events of White Savannah's second stage, Frogger encounters Lion Cub, who tells him that someone stole the Amulet of Mastery and made the other inhabitants act strange. One such victim is the lion cub's father, Papa Lion, who serves as the boss of the area.

The Amulet of Destruction[]

After the Ancient Wani Tribe was sealed, the Amulet of Destruction was given to the hero of Firefly Swamp, Horippa Cikir, who kept the amulet until an unknown point in the past where he entrusted it to his friend, Igunis. During the events of the Hidden Caves, Igunis demands that the Amulet of Mastery be handed over, but Dr. Wani simply laughs and orders his minions to deal with him. Though they are easily dealt with (and set their sights on defeating Frogger instead), Wani gets the better of Igunis and steals the Amulet of Destruction, now on his way to perform the ritual to revive Doom's Temple and claim the Ancient Wani throne.


Mind Manipulation[]

The Amulet of Mastery on its own has been shown to be able to control others, making them go berserk. This is shown with both the boss of the White Savannah, Papa Lion, as well as Igunis during the boss fight against Dr. Wani in the Sealed Heart (though this was after the two amulets had been fused). Igunis managed to resist this for a short while but ultimately still fell victim to the amulets' power. Interestingly, both Papa Lion and Igunis during their respective fights share similarities with Wani Tribesman that are "in the presence of prey" according to the Red-eyed statue treasure. Their eyes turn entirely red and according to either Dr. Wani's will or simply due to their nature, begin attacking whoever is in their presence (in this case being Frogger.) Their physical features also become much sharper, like the other Wani Tribesman encountered in the Sealed Heart.

Magical Imprisonment[]

It is shown multiple times that Wani can imprison others in a magical orange orb. Igunis falls prey to this ability twice: once when Wani overpowers him and steals the Amulet of Destruction from him in the Hidden Caves, and sometime before Frogger arrives in the third stage of the Elder Ruins. There does not seem to be a concrete way to break free from this, as it seemed to be beyond Igunis's control both times. It seemed to wear off naturally in the Hidden Caves, but Frogger somehow dispels it in the Elder Ruins. Perhaps the time the wielder can keep someone inside of the orange orb is increased, perhaps even indefinite, when the Amulets are fused, as opposed to this ability being used when they are separate.


In the first stage of the Elder Ruins, Dr. Wani teleports both Frogger and Igunis away to show them the power of the Amulets of Mastery and Destruction when fused together. Frogger reappears at the very start of the level, while it is unknown where Igunis ends up.

Magical Protection[]

Dr. Wani can protect himself with a magical aura that is resistant to most attacks. This is most evident in the boss fight against Dr. Wani in the fourth stage of his mansion, where he is protected from attacks (aside from his heart being pushed off of cliffs). It is also shown during the Sealed Heart boss fight, where it not only covers Wani, but a manipulated Igunis as well. This aura is broken after Igunis is showered by the light of the crystal (which may or may not be Crocodite), which also seems to give him enough power to damage Wani through his.

Elemental Manipulation[]

Dr. Wani can call upon lightning strikes, gigantic fireballs, green energy beams, and orbs of light that chase Frogger during the Sealed Heart boss fight. He can also rearrange the ground after taking damage.


It is shown that once the amulets have been fused together, Dr. Wani can fly with their powers. The wings on his black outfit in the Dr. Wani's Mansion boss fight also begin to move but are not needed for Wani to fly, as shown in the Sealed Heart boss fight. He has the ability to fly extremely fast, as shown in the cutscene after defeating him in the Dr. Wani's Mansion boss fight.


In the Dr. Wani's Mansion boss fight, Dr. Wani is able to split into eight smaller crocodiles dressed like fairies that protect a central heart. The fairy-like clothes the small crocodiles wear probably aren't part of the ability but are most likely just a preference of Dr. Wani's. (He dresses some of his minions up like maids and ballerinas; I wouldn't put it past him)

Overpowering Magic[]

Just like when it was used against the animal tribes, the amulets give their wielder the ability to completely negate magic. After the Elder Ruins boss fight, Dr. Wani uses the power of the amulets to release the seal on Doom's Temple, raising it from underneath the waters of Firefly Swamp. Before the Sealed Heart boss fight, Igunis attempts to use the sealing spell of Firefly Swamp, but Wani quickly gets rid of it before forcing Igunis to fight against Frogger alongside him. Though this may simply be an innate ability that Crocodite has that the amulets can take advantage of.


  • While there is no concrete evidence as to which amulet grants what power, it seems that the Amulet of Mastery grants the user the power of manipulation over others (i.e Teleportation, Magical Imprisonment, and Mind Manipulation), while the Amulet of Destruction affords its user powerful offensive magic (i.e Elemental Manipulation)
  • It is heavily implied that the amulets' power could revive the Ancient Wani Tribe, meaning that the amulets may have necromantic abilities (which may be why the boss of the Elder Ruins attacked Frogger and Igunis)
  • The Japanese name for the Amulet of Mastery seems to be 支配のアミュレット (Shihai no Amuretto), or literally "The Amulet of Control/Domination" and the Japanese name of the Amulet of Destruction seems to be 破壊のアミュレット (Hakai no Amuretto), a literal translation of "The Amulet of Destruction".
  • In Sketch 14 of "Area 4", there is a picture of the fused amulets with the text 古代WANI王 or "Ancient Wani King" under it.