Catfish is the boss enemy encountered in the Firefly Swamp in Frogger's Adventures: The Rescue.
The giant catfish is a giant blue catfish with two black streaks across its back. It has a giant purple mustache that reaches to its small tail fin. It also has a white or violet underbelly, fins, and lips. Its eyes are brown with red eyeshadow and as shown in the boss fight, it has sharp teeth.
The giant catfish will use one of its mustaches as a whip to smack Frogger. According to Beauty Frog, it can be avoided by jumping at the right moment and the attack will gradually become predictable, making the catfish a simple for beginners to handle. All Frogger has to do is use his tongue to move a boulder onto the catapult in the center of the arena and hop on the switch. It'll launch the boulder at the catfish, causing it to lose one hit point and dive into the water. Before the cat reappears, pay attention to the incoming water droplets before another boulder lands on the ground. Repeat this strategy five times to knock out the catfish and rescue Mechanic Frog.