Frogger Wiki

Crocodite is a blue and/or purple, crystalline material present in both Helmet Chaos and Ancient Shadow. It seems to possess a variety of magical properties that become more apparent when fashioned into, or used to power, certain objects.

In Frogger: Helmet Chaos[]

Crocodite is the material that is put into, and powers the mind control helmets seen on many enemies and characters, including Lumpy and Chief Bonzo before they were eventually freed from it. Crocodite is harvested from the Crocodite Mines, where Crocodite crystals can be found. Crocodite can also be found as stage objects, such as the mobile platforms for example. If Frogger is the one to make it to the end of the mines, then he has to fight the Crocodite Statue (which may or may not be animated by Crocodite). If Berry makes it to the end of the mines, however, she'll have to fight the Wani Warrior, who guards Dr. Wani's machine.

In Frogger: Ancient Shadow[]

According to Finnius's diary passages, the Amulets of Mastery and Destruction were created from Crocodite by the Ancient Wani Tribe that used to live in Firefly Swamp. These Amulets were so strong that even with all the other animal tribes of Firefly Swamp working together, their magic was no match for the Amulets. Even after the Ancient Wani Tribe's defeat and being sealed within their temple, the Amulets could not be sealed due to the magical powers of the Crocodite. As a result, it was agreed that the Amulets would be kept separately in order to prevent their misuse. The King of the Lion Tribe took the Amulet of Mastery back to the White Savannah, while Horippa Cikir, the hero of Firefly Swamp, took the Amulet of Destruction (assumedly hiding it within the depths of the Hidden Caves).

