Frogger Wiki

Welcome to the Frogger Wiki!
The wiki about the Frogger series that anyone can edit!

The wiki has 416 articles since June 2009.


FroggerFrogger 2: Swampy's RevengeFrogger Advance: The Great QuestFrogger BeyondFrogger DecadesFrogger EvolutionFrogger II: ThreeeDeep!Frogger LaunchFrogger PinballFrogger's Adventures: Temple of the FrogFrogger's Adventures: The RescueFrogger's Adventures 2: The Lost WandFrogger ReturnsFrogger's Journey: The Forgotten RelicFrogger: Ancient ShadowFrogger: He's Back!Frogger: Helmet ChaosFrogger: The Great QuestMy Frogger Toy TrialsFrogger in Toy TownFrogger and the Rumbling Ruins


CharactersLocationsBossesMerchandisesFrogger TV Series

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Featured article
Frogger hyperarcade art

Frogger is a green, anthropomorphic frog. Best known as the namesake of the classic 1981 arcade game, he has gone on to star in a series of video games spanning numerous platforms. These games almost always involve hopping around on an invisible grid. Frogger is a registered trademark of Konami.

Featured videos
Frogger TV Series
Frogger and the Rumbling Ruins
Action-Adventure Games

ActRaiserAfterimageARK: Survival EvolvedArc of AlchemistAlan WakeAssassin's CreedAstral ChainAsura's WrathAnno: MutationemBayonettaThe Binding of IsaacBloodstainedCastlevaniaChibi-Robo!ControlCrackdownCyberpunkDarksidersDays GoneDead MazeDetroit: Become HumanDevil May CryDragon's CrownDriver: Parallel LinesFairuneFran BowFroggerGauntletThe GetawayGod EaterGrand Theft AutoGravity RushGungraveHITMANHorizonInfamousJust CauseKenshiL.A. NoireLast Day on Earth: SurvivalThe Last of UsLegacy of KainLegend of ZeldaLEGO DimensionsLEGO GamesLEGO Marvel and DCLightseekersLollipop ChainsawThe Longest JourneyLuigi's MansionMadWorldMafiaMarvel's Guardians of the GalaxyMarvel's Spider-ManMediEvilMercenariesMetal GearMonster HunterMultiAdventuresNinja GaidenNo More HeroesŌkamiOnimushaPrince of PersiaPhoenotopiaQuantum BreakRyse: Son of RomeRed DeadRetro City RampageThe SaboteurSenran KaguraShenmueSleeping DogsSphinx and the Cursed MummySplinter CellSubnauticaSystem ShockSyvalionTercerisTomb RaiderTornado OutbreakToukidenUnchartedValkyrie DriveVanquishWatch DogsYakuza

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