Level 1: Technopolis[]
Beginning of Level[]
Frogger: Wow! I didn't know you guys had so much technology in Magic World. If you have magic, why do you need all this stuff?
Hocus: Hey, even magical people need the Internet, right?
Frogger: Is the Machine Shard here?
Hocus: No, the last is the Wisdom Shard. Everything that has ever happened in Magic World is recorded in it. It is the crystal of our world's wisdom. Hmm... there seems to be a bug in the system...
Frogger: Bugs? Yum! Where are they?
Hocus: No no, not those bugs. A computer bug. Let me check. Hmm, this one says "Memory Overload." That can only mean one thing.
Frogger: What is it, Hocus?
Hocus: I think the Wisdom Shard must be affecting them. We need to check the Mainframe Computer to be sure.
Frogger: Lots of bugs, here I come!
Boss Level: Short Circuit[]
Beginning of Level[]
[Frogger hops straight toward the other side of a room he just entered that overlooks the colorful metropolis. The robot that awaits him detects his presence.]
Frogger: Not good! We've been spotted! What should we do, Hocus!?
Hocus: Look over there! The Magic Shard is on top of that robot!
[Frogger hops onto a tile in front of a rhythm device to get a better look. The machine consists of four tiles that contain symbols that resemble triangles and one in the center that contains a straight line. The menacing robot is standing on it, more than ready to overwhelm Frogger.*
Frogger: I see it! But that robot doesn't look too friendly.
Hocus: The robot is trying to access the computer. If you follow the same steps as the robot, you should be able to overload the robot's memory, and get the Wisdom Shard.
Hocus: Frogger, imitate what the robot does!
Frogger: Okay! Just follow what he does right?
Hocus: I'll back you up with the Darkness Shard.
Frogger: Got it! Here I go!
End of Level[]
[Frogger successfully outsmarted the robot by mimicking its patterns. The memory overload causes it to explode, leaving behind only its malfunctioning head. The Wisdom Shard lands next to Frogger.]
Red Robot: Mem...or...y...Over...Loa...d...
Frogger: Woohoo! We did it! So much for the world's best computer!
Hocus: [interrupts mid-sentence] best computer! Frogger, hurry and bring me the Magic Shard!
Frogger: [feeling bothered] Okay, okay, what's with the big hurry?
Hocus: [gives a disconcerting glee] The Eternity Wand is mine, at last!
Red Robot: Vo... ice...reco...gni...tion... Poc...us...the...Magi....
[Its head spontaneously explodes mid-sentence. Allegedly, Hocus finished it off before it continued.]
Frogger: [unnerved] What did it just say!?
Hocus: [impatiently] THE SHARD!!!
Frogger: Alright, calm down. No need to be bossy. Here.
Hocus: [blissfully collects the shard] The Eternity Wand. It's finally mine!
Frogger: [excitedly] Congratulations, Hocus.
Frogger: Now everything will go back to normal, I'm the big hero and peace will be restored... I know the story already.
Hocus: "Restored"? Not quite... Things will be better than restored.
Frogger: Great, I can't wait to get back to Firefly Swamp. Wait until the rest of the gang hears about my adventures!
Hocus: Let me do you a favor, Frogger. As a reward, I'll send you to an even nicer place. Muhahaha.
Frogger: [anxiously] No, wait! I just want to go home!
[It was too late. Hocus's appearance dramatically transforms into a sinister version of himself previously seen in the introduction of the game shortly before the wand broke. He quickly sends Frogger away to a bizarre realm.]
Hocus: Muhahahahaha
Pocus: heeheehee