Frogger Wiki

Level 1: Path Through Town[]

Beginning of Level[]

Frogger: It really is dark and creepy here... Are you sure this is the place?

Hocus: This looks like Haunted Island's cemetery. In all of Magic World, this is the spookiest of them all.

Hocus: Hey, Frogger, do you sense the power of darkness?

Frogger: I don't sense anything. It's just dark and spooky. It really seems like ghosts will appear...

Frogger: Let's hurry up and go to the castle to see if anyone knows about the Shard.

Hocus: After you go through the town you will see the castle moat. The castle is right beyond that.

Hocus: My powers tell me that the Darkness Shard is in there.

Frogger: Yeah, and my powers tell me you're not coming along as usual.

Hocus: Somebody's got to watch the Eternity Wand, right?

Frogger: Yeah, too bad that "somebody" is always you...

Hocus: Hey, what's that over here?

Frogger: Aaaagh! It-It's a ghost!

Hocus: Wait... No, it's not. That's one of the monks that live here... I think. But he's acting kind of strange... almost like he's being controlled.

Frogger: He seems like he's a ghost.

Hocus: He does... It looks like it's up to us to find the Magic Shard.

Frogger: (Sigh)...

Boss Level: Fright Flight[]

Beginning of Level[]

Grim Reaper: I can sense the darkness... Welcome to my castle.

Frogger: "Sense the darkness"? Weird. We're just here looking for a Magic Shard.

Grim Reaper: Ho ho, so you are looking for this now are you? You, who seek the Darkness Shard, become one with my darkness!

[A scared Frogger hops closer to the Grim Reaper to get a closer look.]

Frogger: Whoa!

Hocus: Be careful, Frogger. You won't stand a chance if you get cut by that scythe!

Frogger: I know, but what should I do?

Hocus: I will send the Light Shard, so use that. If you surround him with light, his strength will be weakened.

Frogger: Okay, surround him with light. Roger!

End of Level[]

[Frogger ensnares the Grim Reaper in a light-based barrier three times, nullifying his power entirely. The cloaked figure instantly transformed into a harmless squirrel around Frogger's height and drops the Darkness Shard.]

Confused Squirrel: It feels like I've been dreaming for a long time.

Frogger: After seeing you like this, you're not scary after all.

Hocus: He looked scary because the Darkness Shard had amplified the darkness in his heart.

Confused Squirrel: But while I was holding that Shard, I felt another dark presence...?

Frogger: That's right, you did say something about that.

Hocus: That's probably the workings of the Darkness Shard, too. Now we gotta hurry and get the final Shard!

Confused Squirrel: I wonder...

Hocus: Finally, the last one. Could it be... there...?

Frogger: Do you know where the last one is?

Hocus: Yup. Let's go to Technopolis on Future Island. It's the world's biggest and most advanced metropolis.

Frogger: I've never been to a metropolis before. Sounds like fun! Maybe someone there can set the clock on my VCR.
