There is a branch in the path here. Going north will lead to a Bunnington Hollow refugee that will award Frogger with a Health Container for talking with them
The Bunnington Hollow refugee in In a Fish's Stomach
The first checkpoint of In a Fish's Stomach
Another split in the path. This leads to a section that does not lead to a level exit, so the player must return from here to progress.
Side Path[]
Start of Side Path
Checkpoint within the Side Path of In a Fish's Stomach
The end of the Side Path with a Health Container. At this point, the player must backtrack in order to progress through the rest of the stage
Section 1 Cont.[]
The second or third checkpoint of In a Fish's Stomach
End of the first section of In a Fish's Stomach
Section 2[]
Beginning of second section
The third or fourth checkpoint of In a Fish's Stomach
End of the second section
Section 3[]
Beginning of the final section of In a Fish's Stomach