Level 1: Snowy Peak[]
Beginning of Level[]
Frogger: Brrrrr... it's cc-cc-c-cold... I can't tt-t-take this... Can't you use magic and make an electric blanket appear or something?
Hocus: Wish I could. Once we get all the Shards for the Eternity Wand, I'll get you anything you wish.
Frogger: Some wizard you are... C-cc-cold weather is not-tt-tt my thing.
Hocus: It IS unusually cold... It must be the Frost Shard! Let's hurry and find it!
Boss Level: Frostbite[]
Beginning of Level[]
[Frogger enters the ice-covered area and hops his way toward the mechanical snowman on the other side.]
Hocus: Wow, look at that huge snowman!
???: Help! Somebody! Get me out of here!
Hocus: Was that... Arc's voice? It sounded like it was coming from within the snowman!
Frogger: You're right! But how can we get him out of there?
Hocus: I'll try to send down the Fire Shard. Grab that to melt the snowman away. But be careful, he throws bombs that can shatter the ice. Use your tongue to pull them into the hole. That should dampen the blast. But be careful, if you step on a bomb, it might blow up in your face!
Frogger: Got it!
End of Level[]
[Frogger uses the Fire Shard three times to weaken the snowman. After the shard's third use, the next bomb is set off before the snowman could launch it, causing it to explode. Its head drops to the floor along with the Frost Shard, freeing Arc from a glass barrier.]
Frogger: Are you alright?
Arc the Seal: Yes, I think I'm fine. Thanks for saving me.
Frogger: Why were you trapped in a snowman?
Arc the Seal: I really don't know what happened. A shiny rock hit the snowman and the next thing I knew, the snowman had captured me.
Frogger: Alright, I'll be returning this. Have you seen other Shards like this?
Arc the Seal: Nope, but now that you mention it...
Arc the Seal: On the night that I found it I saw a dazzling shooting star in the Eastern sky.
Hocus: Okay, I know where to go next, Frogger.
Hocus: Let's warm you up a little. How does a warmer climate sound?
Frogger: I've had it up to here with this frozen place. Any warm place sounds great right about now.
Hocus: Volcano Island is the next stop and it is where we'll find the Light Shard.
Hocus: If things get too hot, the Frost Shard should be able to cool things down.
Frogger: I've always wanted to see a live volcano. I just never planned on actually going inside one...