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The Big One is the first boss of Frogger: Ancient Shadow and the boss of Tears Of Spirits.


The Big One, as the name implies, is a giant, aquamarine-colored salamander with pink external gills that Lumpy aimed to catch and cook for dinner.

Battle & Aftermath[]

To defeat The Big One, Frogger must ground-pound every tile of a 2x2 sigil on the floor, which causes a seed to fall on The Big One's head and deal damage. Frogger must be careful of his footing because when a jet of water is fired, it spreads to multiple other tiles on contact and lingers for a while. He must also take care not to accidentally fall into the water (which he can). After hitting the boss a total of three times, The Big One roars, and slinks back into the water while Frogger celebrates.

After the fight, Lumpy comes and finds Frogger at his fishing spot. When Lumpy is determined to catch "The Big One" and "have a big fillet tonight", Frogger laughs, and says sorry that "he caught The Big One". Frogger then tells Lumpy that weird things have been happening lately around Firefly Swamp, and that he intends to sort things out.

Having heard that Frogger defeated the intended catch, Lumpy is inspired and determined to find a "Bigger One" and have that for dinner. He even goes as far as to make friends with some Mini Wanis for help in order to accomplish this.

Even though The Big One attacks Frogger, much like the bugs of Firefly Swamp, it seems to be acting strangely. If the Sketches are anything to go by, it seems to be easygoing and kind. Like some of the later bosses, The Big One may have been a victim of the Amulet of Mastery, as its influence can make animals act more violently.



  • This is the only boss in the game to have only three health, and thus also has the lowest amount of health of any boss in the game. The following boss has four health, and every boss after that has five health.
  • It is simply referred to as "Salamander" in Sketch 11 of Area 1.
  • It shares many visual similarities to the larval form of salamanders, meaning it might not be fully mature.
    • While it isn't stated, it's possible that The Bigger One may be a giant salamander like The Big One is. (And could be its more mature form)
  • When Frogger celebrates beating The Big One, he says "I beat big fish things tail" in spite of the fact that it, much like himself, is an amphibian.
  • According to the Letter "The Big One", Lumpy says that he managed to catch The Big One, and was planning on eating it while Frogger and Igunis start their perilous trek into the Sealed Heart.
    • While we never get to see this outright, it does imply that, sadly, The Big One does die during the events of the game.
    • It does mean, however, that out of The Big One, The Bigger One, and "the one that got away", this is the only "fish" Lumpy managed to catch during the events of Ancient Shadow.