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Tukuku Cikir, later known as, Horippa Cikir, is a character in Frogger: Ancient Shadow. He is Frogger's ancestor, Igunis's late and very close friend, and the hero of Firefly Swamp.


Tukuku is a black frog wearing red cloth around both his neck and waist and golden bracelets. He is also covered in green markings that, if they are similar in nature to the markings on his statue, hold magical powers.

Early Life[]

In his youth, Tukuku was an extremely talented boy who was skilled in both magic and jumping ability. Some say that he could even walk on water. However, due to his unconventional personality, he tended to break many of the rules of his tribe, the Tribe of Firefly Swamp, and was not highly regarded by others. However, he did have a very close friend in the Ancient Wani Tribe by the name of Igunis.

Adult Life & Legacy[]

After the Ancient Wani Tribe crafted the Amulets of Mastery and Destruction from a material known as Crocodite, they began to expand their power and influence through violence, fear, and intimidation, even reaching areas beyond Firefly Swamp. The other animal tribes of Firefly Swamp's magic could not overcome the immense power of the Amulets alone. However, Tukuku, now known as Horippa Cikir, united and led the animal tribes and fought against the Ancient Wani Tribe. Though they were weak individually, together they were able to defeat the Ancient Wani Tribe, and Horippa used a great magical spell to seal them within their temple. However, due to the magic of the Crocodite, they could not seal the Amulets alongside the Ancient Wani Tribe. So the Amulets wouldn't end up in the wrong hands, the animal tribes agreed to separate the Amulets. The King of the Lion Tribe took the Amulet of Mastery back to the White Savannah, while the Amulet of Destruction was given to Horippa (who assumedly hid it deep within the Hidden Caves). It's safe to assume that after sealing away the Ancient Wani Tribe, he gained immense favor with his tribe and others, earning him the title of Hero of Firefly Swamp.

Horippa's real name, Tukuku, was unknown until very recently. A gravestone with his name on it was found, and it was in very good condition. It's believed that someone has been taking good care of it (and that someone is very heavily implied to be Igunis). Frogger, a descendant of Tukuku, also shares some similarities with his ancestor. He also shares some magic with his ancestor (as evidenced by his being able to activate the magic sigils in the Tears Of Spirits and Hidden Caves boss fights), and Igunis even mistakes Frogger for Tukuku after he saves himself from falling after defeating the Angry Igunises. After defeating Dr. Wani in the Sealed Heart, Igunis uses the names of both his friend and the sacred spell, Horippa Cikir, in order to seal the temple from the inside. However, Tukuku brings Igunis to see that Frogger and his friends are grieving him and transports him outside of the temple, forever parting ways with his friend.

