Frogger Wiki

The Twin Gatekeepers are the bosses of Doom's Temple in Frogger: Ancient Shadow.

Design and Fight[]

The Twin Gatekeepers are two Ancient Wani Tribesman that guard the entrance to the Sealed Heart. They are brothers, but it is unknown which is the elder of the two. Perhaps, as their name entails, they are twins, born around the same time. Their names, as shown in Sketch 12 and 13 of Area 6, are A (pronounced "ah") and Un (pronounced "oon", like in noon). A, the stouter one, surrounds himself with four shields made out of Crocodite that orbit his entire body. He has what seem to be red arm straps of some sort tied around his biceps. Un, the tall and slender one, wields a giant, incredibly sharp sword that is also made out of Crocodite. Just like his brother, he seems to wear red arm straps that are further up on his arms, close to his shoulders. Before Frogger and Igunis can enter the Sealed Heart and stop Dr. Wani from taking over the world, they must first defeat the Twin Gatekeepers, who strike a pose before wordlessly drawing their weapons.

The fight with A and Un is fairly simple on paper. Frogger must use his tongue to get rid of A's shield. After this, the brothers change targets, with Frogger now facing Un. Un will send his sword after Frogger, chasing him for a short time before disappearing. After Un draws his sword once more, Igunis will deal damage to A, and the brothers will once again change targets. If Frogger avoids Un's sword a total of five times, the battle ends. However, there is more to worry about than just Un's attack. There are three types of tiles in this fight: tiles with gray As on them, tiles with yellow As on them, and dark gray tiles. Tiles with gray As on them are safe to stand on. However, the other tiles are the dangerous ones. Tiles with a yellow A on them will periodically emit sparks of electricity, which can cause the player to take damage while running from Un's sword. Dark gray tiles fall a short time after Frogger steps on them, requiring a quickly thought-out route to avoid falling or landing on an electrified tile. As the duo takes damage, more and more dark gray tiles permanently fall, leaving less and less space to run away from Un's sword. Once defeated, the brothers will reach out to one another and fall off of their flying platforms, possibly meeting their ends.


Just like the Ancient Frog Kings before them, there is a decent amount of information on A and Un within their two sketches. There is a decent amount of information about their personalities and relationships with Crocodite. Some of this information may be inaccurate to varying degrees, however, as the Japanese in the pictures is very small, on top of the low quality of the images.


All of A's information can be found in Sketch 12 of Area 6. There is text near the bottom-left of the picture that reads: "One of the two Ancient Wani brothers that guard the gates. He is greedy and ruthless. Uses Crocodite. Is able to manipulate electricity, the hardness of objects, and can freely move his shields around him. By increasing the hardness (presumably of Crocodite), he can create shields to protect himself. He is very slow, but thanks to his weapon of choice, impenetrable shields, his body has not suffered any wounds."


All of Un's information can be found in Sketch 13 of Area 6. There is text near the bottom-right of the picture that reads: "One of the two Ancient Wani brothers that guard the gates. He is cold-hearted and ruthless. Uses Crocodite. He has the ability to quickly and accurately control (Crocodite, assumedly). He creates an incredibly sharp sword to attack enemies with. He is incredibly fast, but due to having no defenses, there are wounds all over his body. His weapon of choice is a giant sword that homes in on its target."

Shared Information[]

On the top-rightmost corner of Sketch 12 and the bottom-leftmost corner of Sketch 13, there is text on the topic of Crocodite. They both read: "Crocodite: One of the Power Stones. A part of the Ancient Wani Tribe can control Crocodite via secret techniques." This implies that Crocodite is not something all Ancient Wani Tribesmen can use, or that specific individuals are taught how to control it, which may be why the individual who can use both amulets is made the tribe's king. The ability to use Crocodite is just as important as the power the amulets provide.



  • As damage is dealt when Un draws his sword after attacking, if the player simply takes damage from his sword, the boss's health will still go down. This means that if the player has enough health, they do not need to move at all to win the fight. (They still need to get rid of A's shields though)
  • The sharper edges and red eyes the Twin Gatekeepers, and the other Ancient Wani Tribesmen, have are very reminiscent of those under the influence of the Amulet of Mastery, such as the boss of the White Savannah, and Igunis during the boss battle in the Sealed Heart.
  • There is kanji on both of their Sketches that correspond to the pronunciation of their name. A's being and Un's being .
  • According to their sketches, each brother attacks Frogger in a different way.
    • As A controls electricity and the hardness of objects, the electrified tiles, the potentially brittle dark gray tiles, and his attempts to charge Frogger are his methods of attack.
    • As Un controls the speed of objects and possesses great accuracy, he attacks Frogger by sending his sword after him.
  • In spite of their cruel and ruthless dispositions, they still seem to have a goofy and loving side to them, as shown when they pose before fighting Frogger and Igunis, and when they reach out to one another when they are defeated.
    • If they were indeed victims of the Amulet of Mastery, then these gestures may be glimpses into their original personalities.
  • On Sketches 12 and 13, "area boss" is incorrectly spelled "aria boss". This is unique to A and Un's Sketches, as every other boss has the correct spelling of "area."