Frogger Wiki

Level 1: Lava Temple[]

Beginning of Level[]

Frogger: I was just freezing my toes off, and now they're burning. What did I get myself into!?

Hocus: Hang in there, Frogger. We only need three more Shards.

Hocus: Soon the Eternity Wand will be complete and Magic World will be...

Frogger: "We"? I'm the one doing all the work. And I can't put my finger on it, but something's fishy...

Hocus: Well, we can talk about it later. Better get going.

Boss Level: Fiery Guardian[]

Beginning of Level[]

Hocus: What a hothead. Try to avoid his fire breath, Frogger. Maybe with the help of the Frost Shard, we can put this big guy on ice.

Volcanic Golem: Anyone for some barbecued frog legs?

Frogger: (Gulp)

Hocus: Be careful of his lava attacks, too. When he starts waving his arms, hop to the stationary blocks. You should be safe there.

Frogger: Okay, just leave it to me.

End of Level[]

[Frogger uses the Frost Shard three times to weaken the golem. His stone body falls apart and whatever is left of it sinks into the lava before it cools. The Light Shard materializes from where the golem was standing.]

Frogger: What was that?

Hocus: A guardian deity of the underground people.

Frogger: That's some guardian...

Hocus: Enough of that. We now have the Light Shard. Let's hurry and find the next one.

Hocus: Hmmm... let's see... It seems to be on Haunted Island.

Frogger: Haunted?

Hocus: There's supposed to be a castle there. The monks that live there are quiet, but they are a pleasant bunch. I'm sure they'll help us find the Magic Shard.

Frogger: Why do they call it the Haunted Island?

Hocus: No light ever reaches that island, so it is always dark. That's why people started rumors that there are ghosts living in the castle...

Frogger: Ghosts...? (gulp)
